Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth addresses a community meeting Monday evening at the Kansasville Fire Department. to the left is Racine County Sheriff Christopher Schmaling.
The Racine and Kenosha County Sheriffs held a community meeting Monday in Kansasville to update and mostly reassure the public about the search for murder suspect Andrew Obregon.
The meeting, hosted by Racine County Sheriff Christopher Schmaling, was held at the Kansasville Fire Department station. Over 60 people, not counting law enforcement officers and members of the media, attended.
Despite a lot of media coverage, “sometimes we do not always get out all the information … about what Sheriff Beth and I are doing to keep you safe, and more importantly what you can do to keep yourself safe,” Schmaling said.
Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth said he wanted above all to reassure the public that he does not feel Obregon is a danger to people in their homes.
“This area is wound really tight,” Beth said. “As you’re nervous about where we live … I can’t guarantee anything, but Andrew, as far as I know, has never broken into a house. If you’re afraid of sleeping in your house, I could just about guarantee, don’t (be afraid). This is not what he’s about. The one person that we believe he killed was a drug dealer that I believe robbed his nephew and this was a payback. That’s who we found deceased. Could anything happen? Yes it could. But do I believe that all of you are in harm’s way in your homes? I don’t believe that for a second.”
Beth went on to say that all but one of the vehicles that Obregon has stolen recently and used to elude deputies were taken from someone that he has a connection to.
“My goal and Sheriff Schmaling’s goal tonight, the one thing I want you to feel pretty sure about is he’s not breaking into your house,” Beth said. “I really don’t believe he’s going to do that at all. I don’t believe that … I think it would be more likely to have someone else break into your house than Andrew Obregon.”

Andrew Obregon /Photo supplied by Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department
Beth said he actually is much more concerned that some innocent person could get hurt during a high speed chase in which Obregon would likely show little regard for anyone’s life — deputies or the general public.
“My biggest fear is someone is going to get hurt on the road,” Beth said.
The characterization of Obregon as a person not likely to risk confrontation with ordinary citizens was reinforced by an audience member, who said Obregon did work for her husband on his farm. While Obregon was “not trustworthy” with things, he was good at solitary work, such as mending fences and planting trees, the woman said.
“He was shy around people,” the woman said. “He shied away from people.”
The KCSD Monday announced a $5,000 reward for information leading to Obregon’s arrest. Beth said the idea of the reward was to convince anyone who may still be helping him or know where he is to turn him in, and to make Obregon worry about that happening.
Both sheriffs did encourage citizens who see something unusual that could be related to Obregon to call 911.
Both sheriffs said they are confident that through diligence by law enforcement and the citizentry, along with Obregon eventually making a mistake, that the fugitive will be found.
“He’s going to get caught, he’s going to get busted, he’s going to go to prison,” Beth said.
Obregon is a suspect in the death of Tywon Anderson, 37, of Kenosha. Anderson was found dead in a Paris farm field Sept. 26.
The Sheriff’s Department has been searching intensely for Obregon since Oct. 2, when he led deputies on a 100-mph plus chase through Paris and across the Racine County Line in the black Mustang.
Obregon is believed to have broken into a Bristol convenience store and robbed another convenience store near I-94 and Highway 50, Oct. 3 night, Beth said. Deputies pursued him, but Obregon crashed and abandoned a vehicle he was driving and stole the Transit van about a mile away and eluded efforts to catch him again.
Another chase took place last Tuesday night into Wednesday morning. That chase started after a Racine County deputy spotted the fugitive in Racine County. Obregon, driving a white dual rear wheel pick-up, fled to Brighton and eventually lost deputies in cornfields there.
It is believed Obregon is still in the area given the recent discovery of three vehicles he has been known to be using, a media release issued Monday said.
Obregon, 32, is described as 5 feet 8 inches tall, weighing about 155 pounds and having brown hair and brown eyes. KCSD officials say he may have changed his appearance, perhaps through shaving.
People with information for the sheriff’s department can call 262-605-5100.
Here is about 20 minutes of video from the meeting:
If he’s still in the area his hiding places will start to disappear very soon, that might be when he becomes a little more desperate. The more desperate he gets the braver he gets. I’m making sure that all my dead bolts are locked. All that being said, I will use whatever I need, to protect my family.
I can’t tell how grateful my family and I are for all your reporting on the Obergon story. We count on westofthei for our every day information, sales and local interest but the information that is given in such a timely matter has been amazing! Thank you so much for providing us with the information we need to handle this situation in a safe way. Again thank you!
Marlene Goodson
If someone murders someone, breaks into a business, armed robbery in another and is a known crack addict are you really going to tell the community, Sheriff Beth, that he would not break into someone’s home? Honestly, by you making that statement it doesn’t make me feel any safer.