New leadership in place at Town of Wheatland Fire Department

New Town of Wheatland Assistant Fire Chief Brian Kerkman (left) and Chief Lou Denko.

The Town of Wheatland Fire Department has a new chief and assistant chief.

For some volunteer departments that might not seem remarkable. But the Town of Wheatland Department has not had such a change in 22 years when former Chief Alan Kaddatz and former Assistant Chief Dennis Floeter assumed their posts.

Taking on the leadership of the department is Chief Lou Denko and Assistant Chief Brian Kerkman.

They may be new to their latest positions within the department but neither is new to the fire service. Denko has been a member of the department for 25 years and Kerkman for 16 years.

Denko, speaking after a department membership meeting earlier this week, said the team’s first priority will be to train first the officers and then the whole department to take charge of a scene when needed. That may mean knowing when to call mutual aid from other departments when sufficient equipment or man power is not available from the Wheatland department.

Kerkman said that he and Denko also will seek to continue the excellent working relationships with other departments that were established by their predecessors.

“Alan and Dennis did a great job of working with other departments,” Kerkman said.

Denko also acknowledged the record of his predecessor.

Alan has done a great for 22 years with this department,” Denko said.

Note: Check back tomorrow for an interview with the two men who led the Town of Wheatland Fire Department for 22 years. –DH


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