Twin Lakes considering dimming solar lights in cemetery

Twin Lakes may ban future placement and phase out current solar-powered lights in the Prarie Mound Cemetery.

Trustee Kevin Fizgerald brought up the issue at the Village Board Committee of the Whole meeting Monday night.

Fitzgerald said the lights, which have become increasingly popular, have been discussed recently by members of the village Cemetery Board. Some members feel the lights have become too bright or elaborate for the cemetery.

“When they first allowed lights they were smaller lights …” Fitzgerald said. Some of the lights are now five feet tall.

Cemetery rules say the cemetery, located at 3900 104th Street, is closed between sunset and sunrise.

Fitzgerald and village administrator David Cox discussed implementing a scenario where current lights would be grandfathered for some period of time, such as five years, and then would have to be removed. All new placements would be prohibited. The board however has not acted on the plan.

If the board did implement the new rules for lights, it likely would notify families currently displaying lights, Fitzgerald said.

The Cemetery Board also is considering adding a sign with key rules, such as what plantings and decorations are allowed when, at the entrance/exit to the property.


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