Paris to try more spraying for maintaining memorial bricks

This photo of the Paris memorial taken Tuesday evening shows the area of problem weed growth.

Regular spraying is the latest strategy Paris officials will pursue to keep the brick walkway of the town’s memorial clear of weeds.

The town has been investigating alternatives and was advised that regular applications of Round-Up was the best alternative, town Chairman Virgil Gentz said at Tuesday’s Town Board meeting.

Weeds growing between the bricks has been an ongoing problem for the memorial, which was erected in 2005. Steve Savas, town resident and member of the committee that drove the project, has been particularly diligent about bringing the problem to the board’s attention. Most recently he spoke about the problem at the annual meeting earlier this month.

Gentz agreed the weeds are unsightly.

“It doesn’t look good and we need to improve,” Gentz said.

Stronger or longer lasting sprays might not be a good idea for Paris’ situation due to concerns about staining the bricks or run off from heavy spraying killing the surrounding grass, Gentz said.

Gentz also offered some reasons the town’s memorial might be more susceptible to weed growth than some other similar sites he has seen. Those factors were:

  • Others using more spraying.
  • More walking on brick paths in more populated areas.
  • Being in an agricultural area, Paris’ memorial may be exposed to more weeds.

The town may try spraying the weeds as often as weekly to see if it will work, Gentz said.


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