Paul Argiewicz of Paddock Lake shared his story of surviving the Holocaust as a teenager with the Twin Lakes Chamber and Business Association at the group’s monthly meeting Wednesday.
Argiewicz told a compelling story, with many poignant moments and a bit of humor here and there too.
Here’s some video of Argiewicz telling how he was arrested when he was 11 and sent to a transition camp, where he lied about his age and later posed as a electrician in order to survive:
Here Argiewicz describes his liberation by American troops just days before his scheduled execution, his initial efforts to find his family, a trip to Siberia he took pursuing a lead on his family and the man he met there that convinced him to give up some of his more animal like ways learned while in confinement:
Here Argiewicz tells of reuniting his sister, which took a daring run across an armed border in a “rented” jeep:
Here Argiewicz tells of his feelings about first arriving in the U.S. and how he feels about the country to this day:
The meeting was held at Twin Oaks County Inn in Wilmot.