Paddock Lake trustee candidate interviews

The seven candidates vying for Paddock Lake trustee all attended the meet and greet event at the Community Lbrary, Salem site, Friday evening.

Jackie Ciesla and Patricia Fish organized the event.

The field of seven will be narrowed to six in a Feb. 16 primary. Then three of the remaining six will be elected to the board on April 6.

I asked each a couple of questions on camera. Here’s what they had to say:

Barbara Brenner:

Karen Harris:

Glenda Morey:

Matt Nolan:

Joseph Riesselmann:

Howard Schlichting:

Patricia Warner:

Thanks to Jackie and Pat for letting me use their event as a way to do this.

I was able to interview some of the Salem supervisor candidates too. But two did not attend the meet and greet, I am going to try to reach them to give them an opportunity to answer the questions too. If that doesn’t work out, I’ll post the interviews I have at that time by early next week.



  1. Tom Reilly says:

    Excellent work on this Darren. It is what everyone should hear and read.

    Tom Reilly

  2. Cheryl Baysinger says:

    I agree with Tom. Very nice to hear these people, as I could not be at the meet and greet. Thanks Darren!

  3. Chris Gustafson says:

    This is an excellent way for the electorate to see, hear, and learn who their public office candidates are and what each thinks the most important goals should be during this jobless supposed economic recovery. Hopefully, ALL of Town of Salem supervisor candidates will avial themselves to you for interviewASAP since our primary is less than one week away on Feb. 16th and a public hearing on the town’s 2035 Plan is scheduled for Feb. 22nd. Keep up the good work Mr. & Mrs. Hillock, westofthei is a true community asset!!!

  4. Chris Gustafson says:

    A big “Thank You” To Hostesses Pat Fish & Jackie Ceisla, and Salem Community Library for staying open to the public after-hours too!!!

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