Temporary dog parks to raise money for more permanent facilities

If you’ve seen that new fencing up at Old Settlers County Park in Paddock Lake and wondered what it is for the answer is “dogs.”

Kenosha County dogs – and their humans – are being invited to try out two temporary, off-leash dog parks.

Photo by burntright via stock.xchng

Photo by burntright via stock.xchng

The temporary dog parks will be at Old Settlers Park, 24100 75th St., and Petrifying Springs Park, Area 3, 761 Green Bay Road, Kenosha. The temporary dog parks will be open during regular park hours, 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., Monday – Sunday.

“The temporary, off-leash dog parks will give the Kenosha County public an opportunity to allow their dogs to use the parks while we seek to raise the matching funds needed to open the permanent dog parks,” Kreuser said.

Permanent dog parks are planned at Petrifying Springs Park, near the park entrance at Highway JR, and at the future KD Park, 35714 89th St., near Bassett Park in Randall.

The county is seeking to raise $25,000 from public donations to match $25,000 non-tax dollars for construction of fencing and gates for the two permanent dog parks.

Among the first fund-raisers for the permanent, off-leash dog park will be photos with Santa Claus from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 5, at Old Settlers Park, and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 12, at Petrifying Springs Park. People are being encouraged to bring their dogs and a camera to take their own photo of their dogs with Santa. A $5 donation is encouraged.

People can donate to the dog parks by placing money in collection boxes at the two temporary dog parks.



  1. Parent says:

    We’d prefer bike paths for our children over off-leash dog parks….

  2. dog owner says:

    Parent, im pretty sure that the owners of dogs would rather have an off leash dog park over bike paths. Atleast I know i do.

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