Riverview School District administrator leaving as of Nov. 13

Todd LeRoy, Riverview School District administrator, has resigned and will be leaving the district by Nov. 13.

The School Board accepted the resignation at a special board meeting last night.

Here is a statement LeRoy made to westofthei.com about his departure:

Last night the board approved my resignation as of November 13, 2009. As far as the circumstances, about all I can say is that for a positive school, administrator and board relationship it takes a good fit and after better than two years, I believe the fit here is not good for me, the kids or the community as a whole. I believe it is time for me to move on and allow the board to find someone who better meets their needs.”

Note: All School board members have been contacted via their school website email addresses for their comments.



  1. Andy says:

    Politics stink, and it’s a darn shame that we lose a fantastic administrator due to people who would rather have their friends in Mr. Leroy’s position. I guess now a certain board member will get to play all the after hours basketball they want with their son in the Riverview gym… It just goes to show that it’s not WHAT you know, but WHO you know..

  2. To Andy says:

    Doesn’t Riverview have a policy on gym usage? All you need to do is volunteer to coach a team and sign up for a night. It would however require actually have to spend time working with kids and holding practices… a little harder then going on a message board and complaining.

    It’s funny that those who complain the loudest or cry the most do the least amount of work……..

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