Salem School to pass on president’s address

salem-signAt least one Western Kenosha County School is not going to show President Barack Obama’s highly publicized speech to the nation’s school children Tuesday.

Salem School sent home a letter with students Friday afternoon explaining the district’s position.

President Barack Obama

President Barack Obama

“This decision was made to honor class time in the district, and because we have no opportunity for prior review to determine if it relates to curriculum, is appropriate for all age levels and is non-partisan regardless of the political party in office,” says the letter, which is signed by Principals Eileen Bruton and Shawn Waller.

The letter says the address will be archived and might be shown in classrooms at a later date, if it relates to curriculum and if parents receive prior notice. It also encourages families to watch and discuss the address by accessing a resources page set up at the White House website.

The address will be streamed live on, and broadcast live on C-Span. The White House says the president will use the address to stress to students “the importance of taking responsibility for their education, challenging them to set goals and do everything they can to succeed.” But some have criticized the speech as an inappropriate political move.

Note: I know about this one, because I have a child who attends Salem and I received the letter. Alas, we unloaded the backpack too late this afternoon for me to be able to contact other districts. Did your child receive a similar letter from a district other than Salem? Let us know by leaving a comment. — DH



  1. Bristol School has the same letter go out to students today- 3 kids 3 letters.

  2. Greg says:

    Ridiculous. No such cowardice or accompanying letter from Riverview here in Silver Lake, thankfully.

  3. Pat says:

    I hope Riverview School also does not show it. I know of several people that will keep their children home if they do show it. It doesn’t matter what political party is doing it.

  4. Greg says:

    Give me a break. This is American fundamentalism at its worst. The idea that you need to forbid the teaching of evolution, yank any books from the library that depart from your narrow doctrine and, oh, yeah, lump the president of the United States among scary strangers to be barred at the school door, lest he suggest that the American government plays a positive role in the lives of its citizens.

  5. Northwestern Mike says:

    I read the president’s speech a few minutes ago. There is nothing to object to.
    It’s telling kids to be responsible for their part of their education.
    It should be shown, it is not political at all.

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