This plan from Bray Architects shows the footprint of the proposed addition to Trevor School and where classes would be located. (Click image for larger view)
The Trevor-Wilmot School Board Monday evening passed a resolution to hold a $11.380 million building referendum to add on to Trevor School.
If approved by the voters, the project would effectively allow the district to discontinue use of the Wilmot Primary Center building and house all district students at the Trevor building. Enough rooms and common area capacity would be added to handle the Wilmot students plus add a new media center/library.
Before approving the $11.380 million referendum, the board also voted on a $15.9 million referendum. That option would have added more classrooms and replaced the oldest part of the existing Trevor building, which has outdated mechanical systems and is not accessible to people with disabilities.
A lengthy discussion about the possible advantages of the more expensive and extensive option showed some members favoring it largely because of the possibility that about a third of any Trevor project may be able to be financed with 0 percent bonds through a temporary program.
“We’ll probably never have another chance (at 0 percent) during the time we need to do something about Wilmot,” said board member Sue Giovanni.
The $15.9 million option was defeated 2 to 3, with board members Cole Marshall and Giovanni voting in favor. Giovanni and Marshall both voted against the smaller referendum.
Bray Architects of Milwaukee developed the plans for the project.
A voting date of Nov. 3 was mentioned at the meeting.