Kerkman takes oath of office as circuit court judge

Chad G. Kerkman of Randall took the oath of office as the new eighth branch Kenosha County Circuit Court judge this afternoon at the courthouse in Kenosha.

The above video shows the oath of office, administered by Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David Prosser.

Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David Prosser,

Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David Prosser,

The courtroom used for the investiture was packed well beyond its seating capacity with a knot of standers in the center aisle and standing along the sides.

Kerkman was elected to be the judge for the new eighth branch of the circuit court this April. He finished second in the February primary among four candidates, but rallied to beat attorney Fred Zievers in April.

In his comments before the oath, Prosser stressed the kind of change being a judge would be for Kerkman. As a lawyer, he was an advocate for a position, which he presented and then placed in another’s hands for a decision, hoping he had made a persuasive case.

“You can’t do that anymore,’ Prosser said. “You have to make the decision. You have to try to understand, to be wise, to do justice.”

After the oath, Kerkman’s comments mostly focused on thanking family members for their support. Here are some excerpts:

As is a county tradition, the new judge was presented with his judicial robe by the Kenosha County Bar Association.

Chad Kerkman is helped into his judicial robe by his wife, state Rep. Samantha Kerkman.

Chad Kerkman is helped into his judicial robe by his wife, state Rep. Samantha Kerkman.

The crowd was overflowing the seats.

The crowd was overflowing the seats.

Some of the more humorous moments covered here.



  1. BBG says:

    What a great win for Kenosha county.

  2. Chad G. Kerkman says:

    Thanks for a great article, West of the I.

  3. Pamela Mundling says:

    What an exciting time for us Constitutionalists!
    A big thank you to the Kerkman and Starzk family’s for their hard work and donation (Judge Chad) to the cause!

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