The top finishers in this year's Miss Bristol pageant are (from left): Rebecca Horton, third runner-up; Shauna Dumelle, second runner-up; Alicia Waligora, Miss Bristol; Margee Prokop, first runner-up. Dumelle also wa voted by the participant as Miss Congenialty
Alicia Waligora was crowned Miss Bristol 2009 tonight at the Parkway Chateau.
The pageant is one of the first parts of the annual Progrees Days festival, which kicked off with a banquet Friday night.
Here’s some video of the big moment:
Waligora is the daughter of Joe and Debbie Waligora. She attends the University of Wisconsin-Platteville and is a communications major.
The last component of the pageant to be judged is the answering of a randomnly drawn question. Here are each contestant’s responses:
For coverage of outstanding citizens Betty Muhlenbeck and Mike Keller click here