The five people who have expressed interest in being the next Paddock Lake village trustee were interviewed last night. Here is some video of their interviews before the board.
The seat is open because Marlene Goodson won the chairman election. It will be up for election again in April.
Each candidate is shown with their opening remarks and their answer to two questions. Richard Fish was not asked to introduce himself, apparently because he submitted a written resume. Trustee Chris Bucko asked each candidate what would they change and what would the keep the same about the village, which change slightly for later candidates to what are your two top priorities, Trustee Karen Harris asked what cost cutting should the village do to meet the challenge of the economy. These questions were chosen because they were asked of each candidate by Trustees Bucko and Harris. Other board members sometimes did not ask any questions or varied their questions greatly for each candidate.
Please excuse the awkward camera angle. It was the best I could do from the front row.
First up was Richard Fish. He is the wife of former Trustee Patricia Fish and he has also run unsuccessfully for village office twice.
Next was former Trustee Thomas Kraus, who said he would not run for re-election if appointed to this post.
Glenda Morey was next. She has been Goodson’s pick for the seat, but board members wanted the process opened to others that might be interested. After answering Harris’ question about the economy, Trustee Joe Riesselmann came back to Morey’s answer, which you will see after the last transition.
Pat Warner was next. She is a frequent attendee of village meetings and a 27-year village resident.
Another former trustee, Mary Young, was the last candidate interviewed. She was not re-elected in April.
After the interviews, the board met in a closed executive session to discuss the candidates. No decision was voted on after the closed session. An appointment by Goodson and a vote by the full board is expected Wednesday at the regular monthly board meeting.