A crew from Wisconsin Public Television in Madison was here yesterday and today reporting on the Paris School referendum.
But don’t expect to tune in tonight to see what happened. Or tomorrow. Or next month. Or this year.
The Paris coverage is slated to be part of a program to air in January 2010. It will be aimed at high school students and will tell them how they can interact with local government — like schools, said Kurt Griesemer, an instructional programs developer for the Educational Communications Board that was part of the group.
People on all sides of the Paris School issue were interviewed Monday and Tuesday, said Steve Doebel, a producer/director with Wisconsin Public Television. Also along were videographer Bruce A. Johnson and Jon Duxbury, who handled audio.
Among those interviewed was yours truly, for what that might be worth.
I’ll be keeping in touch with these people and I’ll let you know when and how you can see the program.