This photo of a mountain lion comes from Wikimedia Commons and is in the public domain.
Residents in the area of the 600 block of Gatewood Drive reported seeing a young mountain lion in their neighborhood this morning around 8:30 a.m., Twin Lakes police said.
Police officers checked the area and attempted to follow footprints but did not find the cat.
One resident who works with animals stated she was positive it was a young mountain lion.
Sightings of this type are not unusual, police said. In the past residents in Franklin and Brookfield have reported mountain lion sightings to police. In April 2008, a mountain lion was killed while roaming the north side of Chicago.
Although attacks on humans are very rare, mountain lions will eat anything they can catch, including deer, domestic horses, sheep and dogs, police said.
The Twin Lakes Police Department will be working with the DNR on the case. Report further sightings to the Twin Lakes Police Department at 877-9056.
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Yes, I was sure that was what I saw here back in the woods in Salem by Montgomery Lake but I thought I was crazy.